Capitula solitary, sessile, terminal, heterogamous; phyll. in c. 2 series, linear, scarious on margins and at tips, outer us. woolly-hairy without, inner less densely clad; receptacle flat, small, slightly alveolate; florets tubular; outer florets pistillate, ∞, style-arms far-exserted; disk-florets perfect, ∞; anther-cells obtuse at base; style-arms of disk-florets papillose at tips. Pappus of one or two series of slender, long, rather rigid, ± barbellate hairs ± thickened in upper third. Achenes linear-oblong, compressed to subterete, glab. Subshrubs or herbs woody at base; branchlets us. concealed by persistent lvs. Genus endemic to N.Z.
[From: Allan (1961) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 1.]
Category | Number |
Indigenous (Endemic) | 4 |
Total | 4 |