Fascicle | Author | Title | Year | ISBN | Notes |
ⅠⅠ | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Keys to families and genera | 2022 | 978-0-947525-87-3 | |
Ⅰ | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Introduction | 2022 | 978-0-947525-81-1 | |
1 | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Polypodiaceae (excluding Notogrammitis) | 2014 | 978-0-478-34754-8 | First published: 2011 |
1 (Ed. 2) | P.J. Brownsey, B.S. Parris & L.R. Perrie | Polypodiaceae | 2021 | 978-0-947525-80-4 | |
2 | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Lygodiaceae | 2014 | 978-0-478-34755-5 | |
3 | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Marattiaceae | 2014 | 978-0-478-34756-2 | |
4 | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Osmundaceae | 2014 | 978-0-478-34757-9 | |
5 | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Schizaeaceae | 2014 | 978-0-478-34758-6 | |
6 | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Equisetaceae | 2015 | 978-0-478-34775-3 | |
7 | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Loxsomataceae | 2015 | 978-0-478-34776-0 | |
8 | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Marsileaceae | 2015 | 978-0-478-34777-7 | |
9 | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Psilotaceae | 2015 | 978-0-478-34778-4 | |
10 | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Salviniaceae | 2015 | 978-0-478-34779-1 | |
11 | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Dicksoniaceae | 2015 | 978-0-478-34780-7 | |
12 | L.R. Perrie & P.J. Brownsey | Gleicheniaceae | 2015 | 978-0-478-34781-4 | |
13 | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Cyatheaceae | 2015 | 978-0-478-34784-5 | |
14 | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Ophioglossaceae | 2015 | 978-0-478-34782-1 | |
15 | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Hymenophyllaceae | 2016 | 978-0-478-34787-6 | |
16 | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Thelypteridaceae | 2016 | 978-0-478-34786-9 | |
16 (Ed. 2) | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Thelypteridaceae | 2022 | 978-0-947525-86-6 | |
17 | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Lindsaeaceae | 2017 | 978-0-947525-05-7 | |
18 | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Aspleniaceae | 2018 | 978-0-947525-37-8 | |
19 | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Dennstaedtiaceae | 2018 | 978-0-947525-38-5 | |
19 (Ed. 2) | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Dennstaedtiaceae | 2022 | 978-0-947525-82-8 | |
20 | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Tectariaceae | 2018 | 978-0-947525-40-8 | |
21 | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Selaginellaceae | 2018 | 978-0-947525-41-5 | |
22 | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Davalliaceae | 2018 | 978-0-947525-44-6 | |
23 | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Cystopteridaceae | 2018 | 978-0-947525-45-3 | |
24 | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Athyriaceae | 2018 | 978-0-947525-46-0 | |
25 | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Isoetaceae | 2018 | 978-0-947525-47-7 | |
26 | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Nephrolepidaceae | 2019 | 978-0-947525-59-0 | |
27 | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Lycopodiaceae | 2020 | 978-0-947525-66-8 | |
28 | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Onocleaceae | 2020 | 978-0-947525-68-2 | |
29 | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Blechnaceae | 2021 | 978-0-947525-71-2 | This treatment was republished 2 October 2021 to correct errors that were introduced during the production process. It should be cited using the same bibliographic information, including the DOI and ISBN. The changes in this republication impact: Blechnaceae (Introduction), Blechnum (Key), B. deltoides (Distribution, Map), B. durum (Etymology), B. membranaceum (Synonymy), B. montanum (Synonymy), B. neohollandicum (Etymology), B. nigrum (Etymology, Synonymy), B. novae-zelandiae (Distribution), B. penna-marina subsp. alpina (Etymology), B. procerum (Etymology), B. punctulatum (Etymology), B. triangularifolium (Distribution, Map, Synonymy) and B. zeelandicum (Distribution, Etymology). |
30 | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Pteridaceae | 2021 | 978-0-947525-72-9 | |
31 | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Dryopteridaceae | 2021 | 978-0-947525-76-7 | |
32 | P.J. Brownsey & L.R. Perrie | Anemiaceae | 2021 | 978-0-947525-79-8 |
The Flora of New Zealand publishes new taxonomic treatments as fascicles in PDF format. The Flora of New Zealand has separate sets of PDF publications for:
- Ferns and Lycophytes (ISBN 978-0-478-34761-6)
- Mosses (ISBN 978-0-478-34747-0)
- Seed Plants (ISBN 978-0-478-34762-3)
For each set, the PDF files are made available as dated and numbered fascicles with separate ISBNs and DOIs. With the advent of new discoveries and research, the fascicles may be revised, with the new fascicle being treated as a separate publication under the same number. However, superseded accounts will remain available.
These new treatments are combined with information from the Landcare Research network
of databases and online resources, and provide the basis for other Flora of New
Zealand products, including the web profiles.
Click on a column header to sort by that column.
Click on a column header to sort by that column.
Fascicle | Author | Title | Year | ISBN | Notes |
Ⅰ | A.J. Fife & J.E. Beever | Introduction | 2022 | 978-0-947525-16-3 | |
1 | A.J. Fife | Amblystegiaceae | 2014 | 978-0-478-34749-4 | |
2 | A.J. Fife | Encalyptaceae | 2014 | 978-0-478-34748-7 | |
3 | A.J. Fife | Entodontaceae | 2014 | 978-0-478-34750-0 | |
4 | A.J. Fife | Ephemeraceae | 2014 | 978-0-478-34751-7 | |
5 | A.J. Fife | Erpodiaceae | 2014 | 978-0-478-34752-4 | |
6 | A.J. Fife | Buxbaumiaceae | 2014 | 978-0-478-34753-1 | |
7 | A.J. Fife | Fabroniaceae | 2014 | 978-0-478-34770-8 | |
8 | J.E. Beever | Fissidentaceae | 2014 | 978-0-478-34774-6 | |
9 | A.J. Fife | Anomodontaceae | 2014 | 978-0-478-34765-4 | |
10 | A.J. Fife | Archidiaceae | 2014 | 978-0-478-34766-1 | |
11 | A.J. Fife | Aulacomniaceae | 2014 | 978-0-478-34767-8 | |
12 | A.J. Fife | Calymperaceae | 2014 | 978-0-478-34768-5 | |
13 | A.J. Fife | Climaciaceae | 2014 | 978-0-478-34769-2 | |
14 | A.J. Fife | Hedwigiaceae | 2014 | 978-0-478-34771-5 | |
15 | A.J. Fife | Hylocomiaceae | 2014 | 978-0-478-34772-2 | |
16 | A.J. Fife | Meesiaceae | 2015 | 978-0-478-34782-1 | |
17 | A.J. Fife | Cyrtopodaceae | 2015 | 978-0-478-34783-8 | |
18 | A.J. Fife | Splachnaceae | 2015 | 978-0-478-34788-3 | |
19 | A.J. Fife | Bryaceae | 2015 | 978-0-478-34789-0 | |
20 | A.J. Fife | Orthorrhynchiaceae | 2015 | 978-0-478-34790-6 | |
21 | A.J. Fife | Gigaspermaceae | 2015 | 978-0-478-34791-3 | |
22 | A.J. Fife | Leptodontaceae | 2015 | 978-0-478-34792-0 | |
23 | A.J. Fife | Mitteniaceae | 2015 | 978-0-478-34793-7 | |
24 | A.J. Fife | Seligeriaceae | 2015 | 978-0-478-34794-4 | |
25 | A.J. Fife | Pleurophascaceae | 2015 | 978-0-478-34795-1 | |
26 | A.J. Fife | Rhizogoniaceae | 2016 | 978-0-478-34796-8 | |
27 | A.J. Fife | Bruchiaceae | 2016 | 978-0-478-34797-5 | |
28 | A.J. Fife | Sematophyllaceae | 2016 | 978-0-478-34798-2 | |
29 | A.J. Fife | Timmiaceae | 2016 | 978-0-947525-01-9 | |
30 | A.J. Fife | Pilotrichaceae | 2016 | 978-0-947525-02-6 | |
31 | A.J. Fife | Orthotrichaceae | 2017 | 978-0-947525-04-0 | |
32 | A.J. Fife | Pulchrinodaceae | 2017 | 978-0-947525-06-4 | |
33 | A.J. Fife | Saulomataceae | 2017 | 978-0-947525-08-8 | |
34 | A.J. Fife | Daltoniaceae | 2017 | 978-0-947525-14-9 | |
35 | A.J. Fife | Tetraphidaceae | 2017 | 978-0-947525-15-6 | |
36 | A.J. Fife | Rhacocarpaceae | 2018 | 978-0-947525-39-2 | |
37 | A.J. Fife | Rhabdoweisiaceae | 2018 | 978-0-947525-42-2 | |
38 | A.J. Fife | Mniaceae | 2018 | 978-0-947525-48-4 | |
39 | A.J. Fife | Ptychomitriaceae | 2018 | 978-0-947525-49-1 | |
40 | A.J. Fife | Lepyrodontaceae | 2018 | 978-0-947525-50-7 | |
41 | A.J. Fife | Leskeaceae | 2018 | 978-0-947525-51-4 | |
42 (Ed. 2) | A.J. Fife | Dicranaceae | 2019 | 978-0-947525-57-6 | This edition was published to correct the omission of the key to species in Campylopodium during the publication process. It is identical to the first edition, except for the inclusion of the key and the removal or updating of text associated with publishing the new nomenclatural acts. |
42 | A.J. Fife | Dicranaceae | 2019 | 978-0-947525-54-5 | |
43 | A.J. Fife | Ptychomniaceae | 2019 | 978-0-947525-55-2 | |
44 | A.J. Fife | Plagiotheciaceae | 2019 | 978-0947525-56-9 | |
45 | A.J. Fife | Funariaceae | 2019 | 978-0-947525-58-3 | |
46 | A.J. Fife | Brachytheciaceae | 2020 | 978-0-947525-65-1 | |
47 | A.J. Fife | Mielichhoferiaceae | 2020 | 978-0-947525-69-9 | |
48 | A.J. Fife | Leucobryaceae | 2020 | 978-0-947525-70-5 | |
49 | A.J. Fife | Orthodontiaceae | 2021 | 978-0-947525-73-6 | |
50 | J.E. Beever | Pottiaceae subfamily Barbuloideae | 2024 | 978-0-947525-91-0 |
Click on a column header to sort by that column.
Fascicle | Author | Title | Year | ISBN | Notes |
1 | P.B. Heenan | Hypericaceae | 2014 | 978-0-478-34763-0 | |
2 | K.A. Ford | Centrolepidaceae | 2014 | 978-0-478-34764-7 | |
3 | K.A. Ford, P.B. Heenan & R.D. Smissen | Nothofagaceae | 2016 | 978-0-947525-00-2 | |
4 | D. Glenny | Cotoneaster | 2017 | 978-0-947525-20-0 | |
5 | K.A. Ford & P.D. Champion | Nymphaeales | 2019 | 978-0-947525-62-0 | |
6 | P.B. Heenan | Cardamine | 2020 | 978-0-947525-64-4 | |
7 | K.A. Ford & P.D. Champion | Alismataceae | 2020 | 978-0-947525-67-5 | |
8 | D. Glenny | Salix | 2022 | 978-0-947525-83-5 | |
9 | P.J. Garnock-Jones | Veronica | 2023 | 978-0-947525-88-0 |