- Taxon
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- ≡ Parahebe cheesemanii subsp. flabellata Garn.-Jones in Garnock-Jones & Lloyd, New Zealand J. Bot. 42: 197 (2004)
Lamina elliptic or orbicular; margin crenate or lobed; leaf hairs unicellular; petiole hairs 0.3–0.5 mm long. Calyx lobe margins shallowly lobed.
The shallowly lobed or crenate lamina and calyx lobes, and the much shorter leaf hairs, distinguish this subspecies from subsp. cheesemanii.
South Island: Canterbury and Westland (Arthur’s Pass National Park: Kelly Range, Upper Otira Valley, Upper Bealey Valley, Rough Creek).
Alpine stable rock fields and fell-fields, occasionally more mobile screes, in fine gravel or small stones overlying silty soil, rarely on rock. Recorded elevations range from 1150 to 1676 m.
Flowers: February–March (and probably earlier); fruits: February (probably earlier and later).
Not known.