- ≡ Parahebe cheesemanii (Benth.) W.R.B.Oliv., Rec. Domin. Mus. 1: 230 (1944) subsp. cheesemanii
Lamina ovate, deltoid, spathulate, or rhomboid; margin pinnatifid, to bipinnatifid on basal lobes; leaf hairs unicellular and uniseriate; petiole hairs 0.5–1.0 mm long. Calyx lobe margins pinnatifid.
The deeply pinnatifid lamina, bracts, and calyx lobes, and the longer leaf hairs distinguish this subspecies from subsp. flabellata.
South Island: Western Nelson, Sounds Nelson (Richmond Range), Marlborough (Raglan Range), Westland (Nelson Lakes National Park).
Alpine stable rock fields and fell-fields, occasionally more mobile screes, in fine gravel or small stones overlying silty soil. Recorded elevations range from 1372 to 1890 m.
Flowers: December–March; fruits: January–May, persisting all year.
2n = 42 (Hair 1970).
Some plants, especially in north-west Nelson, have hairs on the abaxial surfaces of corolla lobes.