 Subordinate Taxa
Scientific Name:
Sanionia Loeske, Hedwigia 46: 309 (1907)
  • Drepanocladus sect. Sanionia (Loeske) Broth., Nat. Pflanzenfam. [Engler & Prantl] 1(3), 1033 (1908) nom. illeg.
The genus is named after the German botanist C.G. Sanio (1832–1891).

Sanionia is worthy of recognition by virtue of its strongly plicate and serrulate leaves, its inflated and hyaline cortical cells, and its occurrence in drier habitats than members of Drepanocladus s.s.

While Sanionia uncinata is retained within Drepanocladus in some modern Floras (e.g., Crum & Anderson 1981), the morphological and ecological attributes of S. uncinata​​​​​​​ amply justify its segregation at the generic level.

Hedenäs (1989) recognised three species of Sanionia in northern Europe; his species are based partially on the degree of perforation of the endostome. Ochyra and co-workers (Ochyra 1998; Ochyra et al. 2008) employed mostly alar cell and perichaetial leaf features in choosing to recognise a second species from the subantarctic region. Only one species is considered to occur in N.Z. and the status of the other proposed subantarctic species is beyond the scope of this work.

Indigenous (Non-endemic)
Number of species in New Zealand within Sanionia Loeske
Indigenous (Non-endemic)1
Brotherus, V.F. 1901–1909: Musci (Laubmoose) II Specieller Teil. In: Engler, A.; Prantl, K. (ed.) Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien. Teil 1. Abt. 3. Engelmann, Leipzig. 277–1246.
Crum, H.A.; Anderson, L.E. 1981: Mosses of Eastern North America. Columbia University Press, New York.
Fife, A.J. 2014: Amblystegiaceae. In: Heenan, P.B.; Breitwieser, I.; Wilton, A.D. (ed.) Flora of New Zealand — Mosses. Fascicle 1. Manaaki Whenua Press, Lincoln.
Goffinet, B.; Buck, W.R.; Shaw, A.J. 2009: Morphology, anatomy, and classification of the Bryophyta. In: Goffinet, B.; Shaw, A.J. (ed.) Bryophyte Biology. Edition 2. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 55–138.
Hedenäs, L. 1989: The genus Sanionia (Musci) in northwestern Europe, a taxonomic revision. Annales Botanici Fennici 26: 399–419.
Loeske, L. 1907: Drepanocladus, eine biologische Mischgattung. Hedwigia 46: 300–321.
Ochyra, R. 1998: The Moss Flora of King George Island, Antarctica. Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow.
Ochyra, R.; Lewis Smith, R.I.; Bednarek-Ochyra, H. 2008: The Illustrated Moss Flora of Antarctica. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.