Habitat: bank, gully, margin, roadside, sheltered, shrubland, terrace

Dispersal: Seed, vegetative

  • a large shrub or small tree usually growing to about 2.5 m tall.
  • its large alternately arranged leaves (10-30 cm long) have entire margins and pointed tips.
  • its very large white flowers (20-35 cm long) are trumpet-shaped and droop downwards.
  • the bases of these flowers are surrounded by a green tube (8-12 cm long) that separates at the tip into 2-5 small lobes.
  • the tips of these flowers separate into five slender, pointed, lobes (1-4 cm long) that are either spreading or slightly curved upwards.
  • its smooth spindle-shaped fruit (10-15 cm long) contain numerous large flattened seeds (7-12 mm long 5-8 mm long).

[From: Environmental Weeds of Australia]

Howell, C. 2008: Consolidated list of environmental weeds in New Zealand. DOC Research & Development Series 292: 42.