Habitat: bank, clay, dry, forest, gravel, hill, lowland, moist, open, pasture, roadside, sand, shaded, slope, stone, terrace, tree, wasteland

Dispersal: Seed, vegetatively (bulbils)

  • a small herbaceous plant (18-50 cm tall) re-growing each year from long-lived underground bulbs.
  • its strap-like leaves and strongly three-angled stems give off a strong garlic smell when bruised or damaged.
  • its white bell-shaped flowers are produced in small clusters at the top of stems.
  • these flowers (about 15 mm long and 10-18 mm across) have six 'petals', each with a green stripe running down its middle.
  • they droop towards the ground after flowering and the persistent 'petals' enclose the developing fruit.

[From: Environmental Weeds of Australia]

Howell, C. 2008: Consolidated list of environmental weeds in New Zealand. DOC Research & Development Series 292: 42.