Subordinate Taxa
Scientific Name:
Ceratocephala Moench, Methodus (Moench) 218 (1794) – as Ceratocephalus
Indigenous (Non-endemic)
Number of species in New Zealand within Ceratocephala Moench
Indigenous (Non-endemic)1
Garnock-Jones, P.J. 1984: Ceratocephalus pungens (Ranunculaceae), a new species from New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 22: 135–137.
Mabberley, D.J. 2008: Mabberley's plant book, a portable dictionary of plants, their classification and uses. Edition 3. Cambridge University Press.
Moench, C. 1794: Methodus plantas horti botanici et agri Marburgensis. Officina Nova Libraria Academiae, Marburg.