Scientific Name:
Vulpia C.C.Gmel., Fl. Bad. 1, 8 (1805)

Short-lived annuals, rarely perennials; branching intravaginal. Leaf-sheath rounded. Ligule membranous. Leaf-blade flat, convolute when dry. Culm erect or decumbent, branching mainly at base. Inflorescence a narrow, usually secund panicle, usually sparsely branched, or sometimes a spiciform or compound raceme. Spikelets laterally compressed, (1)–3–12-flowered, ☿, the upper 1–2–(3) florets ♂ or Ø; disarticulation above and sometimes below glumes, and below each ☿ floret. Glumes usually very unequal; lower sometimes minute, 1-nerved, or nerves 0, upper 1–3-nerved, acute to acuminate. Lemma (3)–5-nerved, rounded or occasionally keeled, subcoriaceous, acuminate, mucronate or tapering to a long straight awn. Palea ≈ lemma, 2-keeled, apex bifid. Callus rounded or pointed, glabrous or pubescent. Lodicules 2, membranous, bilobed or bidentate, narrow or sometimes ovate. Stamens 1–(3), often small. Ovary apex glabrous or pubescent; styles free. Caryopsis linear to narrowly ellipsoid, dorsiventrally compressed, longitudinally grooved; embryo small; hilum linear, at least ¾ length of caryopsis.

[From: Edgar and Connor (2000) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 5 (second printing).]

Number of species in New Zealand within Vulpia C.C.Gmel.
Exotic: Fully Naturalised2
Exotic: Casual1
Gmelin, C.C. 1805: Flora Badensis Alsatica. Vol. 1.
Mabberley, D.J. 2008: Mabberley's plant book, a portable dictionary of plants, their classification and uses. Edition 3. Cambridge University Press.
Soreng, R.J.; Davis, J.I.; Voionmaa, M.A. 2007: A phylogenetic analysis of Poaceae tribe Poeae sensu lato based on morphological characters and sequence data from three plastid-encoded genes: evidence for reticulation, and a new classification for the tribe. Kew Bulletin 62(3): 425–454.
Soreng, R.J.; Peterson, P.M.; Romaschenko, K.; Davidse, G.; Zuloaga, F.O.; Judziewicz, E.J.; Filgueiras, T.S.; Davis, J.I.; Morrone, O. 2017: A world-wide classification of the Poaceae (Gramineae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution 53: 117–137.