- Aciphylla
- Actinotus
- Aegopodium
- Ammi
- Anethum
- Angelica
- Anisotome
- Anthriscus
- Apium
- Azorella
- Bowlesia
- Bupleurum
- Carum
- Centella
- Chaerophyllum
- Conium
- Coriandrum
- Cryptotaenia
- Cyclospermum
- Daucus
- Eryngium
- Foeniculum
- Gingidia
- Helosciadium
- Heracleum
- Lignocarpa
- Lilaeopsis
- Oenanthe
- Orlaya
- Pastinaca
- Petroselinum
- Scandia
- Scandix
- Sison
- Smyrnium
- Torilis
- = Apiaceae
Mostly monoec. to dioec. herbs; infl. us. a compound or simple bracted umbel, sts reduced to heads. Fls regular, 5-merous; calyx adnate to ovary, lobes often obsolete; petals us. valvate and inflexed in bud; stamens alt. with petals, seated on epig. disk; anthers 2-celled, dehiscing lengthwise, us. inflexed in bud. Ovary inferior, 2-carpelled; carpels unilocular, with axile placentae. Ovules 1 per locule, pend.; styles 2, often swollen at base and forming stylopodia. Fr. a schizocarp of 2 mericarps cohering by their inner faces (commissure). Mericarps separating at commissural surface, us. remaining long suspended from the apex of a prolongation of the axis (carpophore); flattened to subterete, us. distinctly ribbed. Oil-tubes (vittae), if present, between or below the ribs. Seeds with minute embryo and cop. endosperm. Mostly biennial to perennial herbs with pith-filled furrowed stems; lvs alt., us. pinnately to palmately compound, with sheathing bases.
[From: Allan (1961) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 1.]
Category | Number |
Indigenous (Endemic) | 85 |
Indigenous (Non-endemic) | 7 |
Exotic: Fully Naturalised | 30 |
Exotic: Casual | 15 |
Total | 137 |