Scientific Name:
Tropaeolum pentaphyllum Lam., Encycl. [J. Lamarck & al.] 1, 612 (1785)
Vernacular Name(s):
Ladies' legs

Glabrous perennial with thick rootstock and slender stems, climbing by means of slender coiling petioles up to 4 cm long. Lvs digitate; leaflets 5, subsessile or with petiolules to 1 mm long. Lamina of terminal leaflet 1–3 × 0.4–1.3 cm, ovate to ± broad-elliptic, entire; base cuneate; apex obtuse or subacute; other leaflets smaller, especially the basal pair. Fls solitary; pedicels > lvs, to c. 14 cm long, pinkish. Calyx regular; sepals 8–11 mm long, triangular or broadly triangular, green with red dashes within, accrescent and pink at fruiting; spur 2–2.5 cm long, gradually ampliate from swollen distal part, deep pink except for mauvish distal area. Corolla very irregular with only upper 2 petals developed; petals 3–6 mm long (including stalk-like claw 1–2 mm long), scarlet; limb < 5 mm long, elliptic or broad-ovate. Anthers green; filaments streaked red. Frs thinly fleshy; carpels subglobose, often 1–2 remaining small; fertile carpels c. 7 mm diam., becoming dark blue.

[From: Webb et al. (1988) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 4.]


Flowering: Oct.–Jan.

Bryant, G. 1996: Rare and Unusual Plants for New Zealand Gardens. David Bateman, Auckland.
Hobbs, J.; Hatch, T. 1994: Bulbs for New Zealand Gardens. Godwit Press, Auckland.
Howell, C. 2008: Consolidated list of environmental weeds in New Zealand. DOC Research & Development Series 292: 42.
Lamarck, J.B.A.P.M. de 1785: Encyclopédie Méthodique. Botanique. Vol. 1. Part 2. Panckoucke, Paris.