- ≡ Aralia papyrifera Hook. (1852)
Shrub to small tree up to 3–(8) m high. Stems densely clothed in stellate hairs, becoming glabrous at least in patches when mature; lf scars prominent. Lvs densely clothed in stellate hairs below, moderately to densely clothed in stellate hairs above when young but usually becoming ± glabrous above except on veins when mature, broadly ovate to suborbicular, cordate, (3)–5–12- palmately-lobed to ⅓-⅔ of radius, c. 10–30 cm long; lobes acute to acuminate, entire to coarsely serrate; petioles glabrous when mature, 10–50 cm long; stipules partly adnate to petiole, lanceolate, 2–12 cm long. Infl. a compound terminal raceme of numerous-flowered, globose umbels, densely clothed in stellate hairs; petals white, c. 2 mm long. Fr. not seen.
[From: Webb et al. (1988) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 4.]