Scientific Name:
Taraxacum zealandicum Dahlst. (1907)

Perennial rosette herb. Lvs all basal, linear to oblong or linear- oblanceolate, simple, usually dentate, sometimes runcinate-pinnatifid, glabrous or with sparse multicellular hairs, especially above, (3)–5–15–(30) × (0.7)–1–1.5–(4.5) cm; terminal lobe narrowly deltoid to oblong, obtuse, truncate at base; lateral lobes triangular, deflexed or recurved, entire or toothed on distal margin; petiole and proximal part of midrib hollow. Scape stout, hollow, usually sparsely cobwebby above, sometimes glabrous, (2)–5–20–(30) cm tall. Capitula 1.5–3–(4) cm diam. Involucral bracts glabrous; outer bracts lanceolate to ovate, ± attenuate, green or reddish, erect at flowering, suberect to patent at fruiting, with scarious margins; inner bracts narrowly triangular to linear, acute, green, erect, with scarious margins. Florets usually golden yellow, rarely paler. Achene body usually orange-brown to dull greenish brown, rarely cream, ribbed, clavate-fusiform, 2.5–4 mm long; ribs each with (3)–5–7 teeth on distal ⅓-⅔, the distal teeth slightly > the proximal; cone tapering or narrowly cylindric, (0.5)–1–2 mm long, concolorous with the body. Beak usually pale, sometimes dark, slender, 4.5–8 mm long. Pappus white, 4–7 mm long.

[From: Webb et al. (1988) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 4. as Taraxacum magellanicum]

Indigenous (Endemic)

Flowering: (Nov.)–Dec.–Feb.; Fruiting: Dec.–Mar.–(Apr.)