 Subordinate Taxa
Scientific Name:
Spiranthes Rich., De Orchid. Eur. 20, 28, 36 (1817), nom. cons.

Fls ∞ in ± spirally twisted spike; floral bracts = or > ovary. Ovary and per. ± glandular-pubescent; per. ± horizontal-tubular, dorsal sepal uppermost; lateral sepals subsimilar, not connate; petals ± similar, in part adnate to dorsal sepal. Labellum of about equal length, sessile or shortly clawed, concave and embracing base of column, distally spreading and crenate to crisped; calli 2, lateral, near base. Column short, us. flanked by 2 small wings; anther dorsal, often overtopped by rostellum, pollinia 2 per cell, pollen granular; stigma broad; rostellum us. long, remaining as 2 tall processes after its central long-oval viscidium is detached. Plants terrestrial, glab. except for infl.; roots clustered, us. ± tuberous. Lvs several, mostly basal; stem with persistent sheathing bracts.

[From: Moore and Edgar (1970) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 2.]

Indigenous (Non-endemic)
Number of species in New Zealand within Spiranthes Rich.
Indigenous (Non-endemic)1
Mabberley, D.J. 2008: Mabberley's plant book, a portable dictionary of plants, their classification and uses. Edition 3. Cambridge University Press.
Richard, L.C.M. 1817: De Orchideis Europaeis Annotationes.