Scientific Name:
Solanum villosum Mill.
  • = Solanum humile Bernh. ex Willd.
  • Solanum nigrum f. humile (Bernh. ex Willd.) Lindm.
  • = Solanum miniatum Bernh. ex Willd.
  • Solanum villosum subsp. miniatum (Bernh. ex Willd.) J.M.Edmonds
Vernacular Name(s):
Red-berried nightshade

Unarmed annual with ± erect stems to c. 40 cm tall, much-branched and somewhat bushy, moderately hairy, especially on young parts; hairs simple, of 2 types: antrorse, subappressed and scattered or short, erect, and glandular; stems often black. Petioles < 2 cm long. Lamina to 7 × 5 cm, broadly ovate or elliptic-ovate, becoming glabrate above, remaining hairy beneath, especially towards base, usually shallowly and sinuately lobed or with 1–2 teeth each side, less often entire; margins with dense simple hairs and numerous glandular hairs; base broad-cuneate; apex acute. Cymes pseudoumbellate, with up to 6 fls; peduncles to c. 10 mm long at anthesis, densely covered in antrorse hairs and a few glandular ones; pedicels ± recurved at fruiting. Calyx 1–2 mm long; lobes ovate or triangular-ovate, becoming reflexed, somewhat accrescent. Corolla 8–11 mm diam., white; lobes ± triangular, densely hairy outside. Anthers 1.7–2 mm long. Berry 6–10 mm diam., globose or nearly so, reddish or orange-yellow; stone cells 0. Seeds 1.8–2.2 mm diam., obovoid to ± ellipsoid or almost reniform.

[From: Webb et al. (1988) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 4.]


Flowering: Nov.–Mar.

Conner, A.J.; Schönberger, I.; Jacobs, J.M.E. 2022: Solanum villosum (Solanaceae) in New Zealand. Canterbury Botanical Society Journal 53: 64–71.
Edmonds, J.M.; Chweya, J.A. 1997: Black nightshades, Solanum nigrum L. and related species. Promoting the conservation and use of underutilized and neglected crops. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI), Rome, Italy. [as Solanum humile Bernh. ex Willd.; Solanum nigrum f. humile (Bernh. ex Willd.) Lindm.]
Särkinen, T.; Poczai, P.; Barboza, G.E.; van der Weerden, G.M.; Baden, M.; Knapp, S. 2018: A revision of the Old World Black NIghtshades (Morelloid clade of Solanum L., Solanaceae). PhytoKeys 106: 1–223.