Scientific Name:

Herbs, shrubs or trees, mostly perennial, sometimes armed. Lvs usually alternate, sometimes in basal rosettes, often toothed or lobed or compound; stipules usually present, sometimes adnate to petiole. Fls solitary or in a cyme, corymb, raceme or umbel, regular, 4–5–(6)-merous, perigynous or epigynous, sometimes intermediate, usually ☿. Receptacle forming a flat, concave or tubular hypanthium (often called a calyx tube) bearing sepals, petals and stamens on the outer or upper margin. Epicalyx often present. Sepals free or partly adnate to ovary. Petals as many as sepals, rarely 0, imbricate. Stamens numerous, rarely reduced to 1–2; filaments usually free; anthers 2-locular, dehiscing longitudinally. Ovary superior or inferior, sometimes 1/2 inferior, with 1-several locules; carpels 1 or more, free or connate, often ± adnate to calyx tube; styles free or connate; ovules 2, rarely 1 or several in each carpel, pendulous, superposed. Fr. of 1 or more achenes, drupes, pomes, follicles, or rarely capsules, the hypanthium sometimes coloured and fleshy; seeds usually lacking endosperm.

[From: Webb et al. (1988) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 4.]

Number of species and named hybrids in New Zealand within Rosaceae
Indigenous (Endemic)26
Indigenous (Endemic): Sometimes present1
Indigenous (Non-endemic)3
Exotic: Fully Naturalised87
Exotic: Casual51
Exotic: Cultivated6
Connor, H.E. 1977: The Poisonous Plants in New Zealand. Edition 2. Government Printer, Wellington.
Connor, H.E.; Fountain, J. 2009: Plants that Poison: A New Zealand Guide. Manaaki Whenua Press, Lincoln.
Cronquist, A. 1988: The evolution and classification of flowering plants. The New York Botanic Gardens, New York.
Kubitzki, K. 2004: VI Flowering Plants. Dicotyledons: Celestrales, Oxalidales, Rosales, Cornales, Ericales. Kubitzki, K. (ed.) The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants. Spinger-Verlag, Berlin. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Mabberley, D.J. 2008: Mabberley's plant book, a portable dictionary of plants, their classification and uses. Edition 3. Cambridge University Press.