- = Ranunculus rivularis Banks & Solander ex DC., Syst. Nat. [Candolle] 1, 270 (1817) nom. illeg.
Perennial; rosettes tufted along creeping stems; nodes not usually bulbous. Basal lvs with slender erect or ascending petioles (2)–5–10–(15) cm long; lamina ternate, glabrous, ± circular, 1–2 cm diam.; leaflets sessile, obtriangular, bluntly 3-fid up to 1/2 way, sometimes again bluntly toothed, ± equal. Lvs of flowering stems ternate with linear acute entire leaflets. Fls 1–4–(7) per stem, 7–12 mm diam.; pedicels glabrous. Sepals spreading, glabrous. Petals 4–5, yellow, narrowly oblong, shortly clawed; nectary single, 1–1.5 mm from petal base, with a short semilunar scale. Receptacle with a basal collar of bristles. Achenes 10–20–(30), hardly flattened, glabrous; body 1.5–2 mm long, obscurely wrinkled when ripe; beak straight or curved, 1–1.5 mm long.
[From: Webb et al. (1988) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 4.]