Raceme of few to many fls; floral bracts small, much < ovary. Per. glab., labellum uppermost; dorsal sepal concave or recurved; lateral sepals narrower, connate to free; petals us. shorter. Labellum ± trulliform, us. erect and concave towards base, recurved distally, sts movable on well-developed claw; calli on limb simple and ± longitudinal. Column short; wings in form of 2 free lateral processes; anther dorsal, erect, little taller than stigma; pollinia ± bilobed in each cell, pollen in ∞ small oblong masses; stigma disc-shaped; rostellum prominent, becoming detached with thread-like stipe to which pollen-masses adhere. Plants terrestrial, glab.; tuber oval, us. produced close to that of previous year. Lf solitary; sheath long; lamina terete, ± hollow, sts very small.
[From: Moore and Edgar (1970) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 2.]
Category | Number |
Indigenous (Endemic) | 3 |
Total | 3 |