Scientific Name:
Pleioblastus gramineus (Bean) Nakai (1925)

Rather dense thicket-forming; rhizomes running ± extensively. Culms c. 2 -c. 3 m, erect, green; internodes terete. Sheath-blades very narrowly triangular. Branches many from each middle and upper node. Leaf-sheath oblique at apex. Ligule 2–3 mm, minutely puberulent, often purplish. Leaf-blade 8–18–(22) × 0.4–0.8 cm (to 1.5 cm wide on strong young culms on outside of clump), linear-lanceolate, ± uniformly green, finely but conspicuously tessellate, long acuminate with finely tapering tips.

[From: Edgar and Connor (2000) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 5 (second printing).]

Sykes, W.R. 2000: Subfamily Bamusoideae. In: Edgar, E.; Connor, H. E. Flora of New Zealand Vol. V. Gramineae. Manaaki Whenua Press, Lincoln, New Zealand. 19–39.