Scientific Name:
Pelargonium tomentosum Jacq. (1794)
Vernacular Name(s):
Peppermint geranium

Subshrub to c. 75 cm tall, smelling strongly of peppermint. Stems, lvs and infl. with ± velvety white tomentum, and glandular scales beneath hairs. Petiole to c. 30 cm long. Stipules ovate-acuminate, brown and membranous. Lamina to 12 × 15 cm, broadly obovate, rather shallowly 3-lobed with each lobe usually lobulate, serrate-dentate and extending 1/4–1/2 way to midrib; base usually shallowly cordate, sometimes deeply so. Infl. of several umbels, each with 5–8 fls; hairs dense, mostly long and simple but some short and glandular; peduncles often = petioles; pedicels 2–3.5 cm long, generally radiating widely in umbels of 6–8 fls. Sepals 5.5–6.5 mm long, ± triangular-ovate, green, with copious long white hairs; calyx spur c. 2 mm long. Corolla white or pinkish; upper 2 petals 7–8.5 mm long, ± oblong, usually with asymmetric base, crimson-purple-marked in lower 1/2; lower 3 petals 8–10.5 mm long, linear or ligulate. Style crimson or purplish, c. 4 mm long; stigmas crimson or purplish. Mericarps not seen.

[From: Webb et al. (1988) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 4.]


Flowering: Oct.–May.