- ≡ Periploca capsularis G.Forst., Fl. Ins. Austr. 20 (1786)
Slender liane with main stem hardly > 8 cm. diam., climbing over small trees and shrubs; branchlets pubescent to pilose. Lvs of adult plants on petiols up to c.10 mm. long; Lamina coriac. to submembr., of diverse form, but us. ± uniform on a particular plant; main forms 4-narrow-linear, narrow-lanceolate, oblong, broadly elliptic-oblong-2–10 cm. x 1–5–10–(20) mm.; obtuse to acute, often apiculate; base cuneate to truncate to rounded or subcordate. Infl. of axillary and terminal us. few-fld, ± trichotomous, ± corymbose cymes on very slender pubescent peduncels up to c. 2 cm. long. Fls fragrant, on filiform, pubescent pedicels ± 2–5 mm. long. Calyx 2–3 mm. long, pubescent; lobes = corolla-tube or nearly so, ovate to narrow-triangular to linear, acute to acuminate. Corolla campanulate, white to yellow to dark red; tube (2)–3–4 mm. long; lobes revolute, (2)–3–(3·5) mm. long, narrow- to ovate-oblong, obtuse. Anthers us. wholly exserted beyond throat, surrounding stigma, acute at apex, very shortly sagittate at base. Follicles (5)–6–10–(1·5) cm. x 2–4 mm., subterete. Seeds linear, ± 5 mm. long; coma a tuft of sordid-white hairs up to c.7 mm. long.
[From: Allan (1961) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 1.]
Category | Number |
Indigenous (Endemic) | 5 |
Total | 5 |
Flowering: Sep.–Feb.; Fruiting: Nov.–Apr.