- ≡ Polypodium novae-zealandiae Baker in Hooker, Hooker's Icon. Pl. 17, t: 1674 (1886)
- ≡ Phymatodes novae-zealandiae (Baker) Pic.Serm., Webbia 8: 222 (1951)
- ≡ Phymatosorus novae-zealandiae (Baker) Pic.Serm., Webbia 28: 459 (1973)
- ≡ Zealandia novae-zealandiae (Baker) Testo & A.R.Field, Syst. Bot. 44: 13 (2019)
Epiphytic or occasionally terrestrial; creeping or climbing ferns. Rhizomes long-creeping, 4–10 mm diameter, scaly. Rhizome scales clathrate, ovate, 5–15 mm long, 1.5–2.5 mm wide, squarrose, orange-brown, virtually entire. Fronds 150–900 mm long. Stipes 40–330 mm long, pale brown, glabrous except for very scattered scales at base. Laminae deeply 1-pinnatifid to almost pinnate at base, ovate to elliptic, 100–470 mm long, 60–270 mm wide, extending 5–20 mm below the lowest lobe, bright green, coriaceous, glabrous. Lamina lobes in 1–25 pairs, 45–180 mm long, 5–15 mm wide, straight or slightly falcate, acuminate, margins entire or wavy, widest at base or at middle. Veins reticulate, forming 1–2 series of areoles between costa and lobe margin; hydathodes usually inconspicuous on adaxial surface of lamina. Sori round or slightly elongate, 2–4 mm long, superficial or impressed into lamina forming low bulges on adaxial surface, in 1 row on either side of the costa, closer to the lobe margin; paraphyses absent; exindusiate.
This species can be confused with M. pustulatum, especially when young. However, it is generally a larger plant, rarely if ever produces undivided fronds, and has very distinctive, spreading, orange-brown rhizome scales. Hydathodes on the upper lamina surface are present but inconspicuous. The thicker rhizomes (> 4 mm diameter), distinctive rhizome scales, coriaceous lamina and bright green colour distinguish it from M. scandens.
North Island: Auckland, Volcanic Plateau, Gisborne, Taranaki, Southern North Island.
Altitudinal range: 350–1300 m.
Confined to montane forests of the North Island from Coromandel to the southern Tararua range, generally from 350–1300 m. South of Mt Taranaki and the Volcanic Plateau, the species occurs only as disjunct populations in the southern Tararua range, and is known from just one collection in the Ruahine range (WELT P022827).
Usually epiphytic, occasionally on fallen logs, in damp montane forests of the North Island. It is found in a range of podocarp, beech and broadleaved forest.
n = 37 (de Lange et al. 2004).