Annual or perennial herbs, tufted and grass-like, or with sympodial rhizome. Stems usually simple, erect. Leaves mostly clustered at base of stem. glabrous or sparsely hairy, sheathing at base, laminae flat and grass-like, or laterally compressed, or channelled, or terete like stems; or leaves reduced to basal sheaths only. Flowers bisexual, or rarely unisexual and plants dioecious, few to numerous in terminal monochasial cymes, occasionally condensed to a compact head, or flowers rarely solitary. Tepals 6, rarely 4, in 2 whorls, glumaceous, often with membranous margins. Stamens free, in 2 whorls of 3, or with inner whorl missing, or variable 3–6, attached to base of tepals; filaments free, anthers 2-celled, introrse, basifixed. Ovary superior, syncarpous, 1-or ± completely 3-locular; style 1, short, stigmas 3, brush-like. Fruit a 3-valved capsule opening loculicidally. Seeds 3 to numerous, often tailed at one or both ends, or tailless, sometimes mucilaginous.
[From: Healy and Edgar (1980) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 3.]
Category | Number |
Indigenous (Endemic) | 15 |
Indigenous (Non-endemic) | 17 |
Exotic: Fully Naturalised | 34 |
Exotic: Casual | 1 |
Total | 67 |