- ≡ Convallaria fruticosa L., Herb. Amboin. (Linn.) 16 (1754)
- ≡ Terminalis fruticosa (L.) Kuntze (1891)
- = Asparagus terminalis L. (1762) nom. illeg.
- ≡ Cordyline terminalis (L.) Kunth, Abh. Königl. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1842: 30 (1844) nom. illeg.
- = Dracaena terminalis Lam. (1786) nom. illeg.
Shrub to 3 m high, branching frequently from base or arborescent with unbranched stem. Branches ringed with leaf-scars. Leaves 30–90 × 3–15 cm, lanceolate, oblanceolate or oblong, thin, coriaceous, glabrous, shining, narrowed above clasping base to deeply channelled petiole ± 1 cm wide, c. ¼ leaf-length; midrib indistinct abaxially, more evident adaxially, veins fine, not prominent, opaque in fresh or dry material, transverse veinlets opaque in fresh leaves but raised above surface and dark in dried material. Panicle c. 30 cm long, little branched, lax; ultimate racemes to 15 cm long, ± 2 cm diam. with flowers on, axes visible between flowers. Flowers white or lilac-tinged, to 8 mm long; segments recurved, outer < inner. Berries red, rarely formed.
[From: Healy and Edgar (1980) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 3 as Cordyline terminalis]