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Shrub or tree up to 3–(6) m. tall, us. open-branched. Branches rather brittle, bark dark brown; branchlets glab. Lvs foetid when bruised, on slender narrowly winged petioles ± 8–15 mm. long. Stipules truncate, but produced into a us. conspicuous long denticle (subsidiary denticles may be present); ciliolate, with tufts of unequal hairs at tips. Lamina membr. to subcoriac., obovate to oblong to broadly ovate (several forms may be on one plant), obtuse, ± apiculate to mucronulate, (20)–30–50 × (10)–14–20 mm. Reticulations of veins evident, at least below. Fls solitary, terminal on branchlets. ♂ without calyx; corolla c. 10 mm. long, subcampanulate, lobes 5–7, acute, ± = tube; stamens us. 5–7. ♀ with minute calyx-teeth; corolla tubular, slightly flaring, lobes 4–5, short, subacute. Drupe pale to full orange, oblong, 7–10 mm. long.
[From: Allan (1961) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 1.]