Scientific Name:
Chrysanthemoides monilifera (L.) Norl., Stud. Calenduleae 1, 347 (1943)
Vernacular Name(s):
Bitou bush; Boneseed; Higgin's curse; Jungle flower; Salt bush

Bushy, much-branched shrub or small tree, up to c. 2–(3) m tall, not armed. Stems ribbed, lanate when young but soon almost glabrous. Lvs lanate when young, soon glabrous, coriaceous, obovate to elliptic, acute or obtuse, mucronate, irregularly serrate with (1)–3–9 teeth on each side, 35–70–(90) × 10–35 mm; lvs subtending infl. smaller, narrower and with fewer teeth. Capitula (15)–25–30–(35) mm diam., in loose bracteate corymbs. Involucral bracts in 3 rows, sparsely hairy and glandular; outer bracts linear-lanceolate to narrow-triangular, 2–3 mm long; inner bracts ovate to ovate-triangular, 4–6 mm long, with more conspicuous membranous margins. Ray florets (3)–5–6–(7); ligules bright yellow, 8–13–(15) mm long; disc florets numerous, yellow. Drupes subglobose, black when ripe, 6–9 mm diam., very hard with a thin fleshy covering.

[From: Webb et al. (1988) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 4.]

Number of subspecific taxa in New Zealand within Chrysanthemoides monilifera (L.) Norl.
Exotic: Fully Naturalised1

Flowering: Sep.–Feb.–(May)

Biosecurity New Zealand 2012: Regional Pest Management Strategies Database.
Biosecurity New Zealand 4 Aug 2011: Unwanted Organisms Register.
Biosecurity New Zealand 2008: National Plant Pest Accord. MAF Biosecurity New Zealand, Wellington.
Howell, C. 2008: Consolidated list of environmental weeds in New Zealand. DOC Research & Development Series 292: 42.
Mabberley, D.J. 2017: Mabberley's plant book, a portable dictionary of plants, their classification and uses. Edition 4. Cambridge University Press.
Manning, J.; Goldblatt, P. 2012: Plants of the Greater Cape Floristic Region 1: the Core Cape flora. Strelitzia 29
Ministry for Primary Industries 23 Feb 2017: Unwanted Organisms Register. Version 02.01.02.
Norlindh, T. 1943: Studies in the Calenduleae. Vol. I. Monograph of the genera Dimorphotheca, Castalis, Osteospermum, Gibbaria and Chrysanthemoides. Gleerup, Lund.