Scientific Name:
Celmisia macmahonii Kirk, Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 27: 327 (1895) – as C. macmahoni
Type: New Zealand. South Island, Mt Stokes, 3.000 ft., Jan 1893, J. Macmahon s.n. (lectotype WELT SP3285 designated by Allan 1961: 628).
After J.H Macmahon, who collected the type specimens.

Small subshrub forming compact cushions up to c. 4 dm. diam.; stems and branches stout, woody; living lvs in dense rosettes at tips of branchlets. Lamina of narrow obovate-oblong order, ± 20–35 × 6–8 mm., coriac.; both surfaces densely clad in buff to ferruginous long subappressed silky hairs; apex subacute, ± apiculate; margins slightly narrowed to petiole c. 6–7 mm. long; sheath c. 10 × 6·5 mm., clad without in very long hairs, very distinctly veined on inner surface. Scape c. 7·5–12.5 cm. long, densely clad in floccose buff to ferruginous tomentum; bracts ∞, linear-subulate, ascending, up to ± 2 cm. long, lamina floccose. Capitula 20–25 mm. diam.; phyll. ∞, linear-subulate, up to c. 12 mm. long, acute to acuminate, densely clad on both surfaces in long silky buff hairs. Ray-florets ± 12–15 mm. long, ∞; limb oblong, distinctly 3-toothed; disk-florets tubular, flaring at teeth, 5–7 mm. long. Achenes compressed-cylindric, grooved, ± 2 mm. long; ribs clad in long ascending hairs. Pappus-hairs up to c. 6 mm. long, slender, white, finely barbellate.

[From: Allan (1961) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 1.]

Indigenous (Endemic)
Number of subspecific taxa in New Zealand within Celmisia macmahonii Kirk
Indigenous (Endemic)2
Kirk, T. 1895: On new forms of Celmisia, Cass. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 27: 327–330.
Saldivia, P. 2023: Nomenclature and typifications in Celmisia (Asteraceae: Astereae): The New Zealand endemic subgenera Caespitosae, Glandulosae, and Lignosae. Phytotaxa 591(1): 31–45.
Saldivia, P. 2024: Taxonomic revision of Celmisia subg. Lignosae s. lato (Asteraceae: Astereae), with an overview of the genus. Phytoneuron 2024-27: 1–130 (online). (Published online: 8 May 2024)