Scientific Name:
Celmisia glabrescens Petrie, Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 47: 50 (1915)
Type: New Zealand. Steward Island, Meadow near Freshwater River, 100 ft., D.L. Poppelwell s.n. (lectotype WELT SP2145 designated by Allan 1961: 630; isolectotype WELT SP2145B)
Glabrescent means becoming hairless or glabrous at maturity. However, this seems not to be an attribute of this species.

Tufted herb with rosulate lvs, extending by lfy stolons producing offset tufts. Lamina submembr., ± 5–7 × 1–1·5–(2) cm., narrow lanceolate- to obovate-spathulate; glab. above, clad in thin greyish tomentum below with midrib evident; acute, apiculate; margins sinuate, finely serrate, cuneately narrowed to almost linear petiole up to 15 mm. long, suddenly expanded into subcoriac., glab., strongly veined sheath ± 15–20 × 7 mm. Scape rather slender, c. 15–30 cm. long, glab. or nearly so, slightly flattened and finely grooved, ± viscid. Bracts rather few, distant; lamina linear, acute, with prominent midvein. Capitula ± 25–40 mm. diam.; phyll. linear-subulate, viscid, outer reflexed, inner erect, ciliate, hairy at tips, ± 12 mm. long. Ray-florets to c. 20 mm. long, linear, spreading; disk-florets 6·5–7 mm. long, narrow-tubular, teeth minute, triangular. Achenes compressed-cylindric, c. 4 mm. long; grooves evident, clad on ribs in appressed silky hairs. Pappus-hairs very slender, sordid-white, up to 7 mm. long, hardly barbellate.

[From: Allan (1961) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 1.]

Indigenous (Endemic)
Petrie, D. 1915: Descriptions of New Native Phanerogams, with other Short Notices. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 47: 48–59.
Saldivia, P. 2023: Nomenclature and typifications in Celmisia (Asteraceae: Astereae): The New Zealand endemic subgenera Caespitosae, Glandulosae, and Lignosae. Phytotaxa 591(1): 31–45.
Saldivia, P. 2024: Taxonomic revision of Celmisia subg. Lignosae s. lato (Asteraceae: Astereae), with an overview of the genus. Phytoneuron 2024-27: 1–130 (online). (Published online: 8 May 2024)