- ≡ Cardamine stellata Hook.f., Bot. Antarct. Voy. I. (Fl. Antarct.) Part I, 7, t. 4a (1844)
- ≡ Cardamine depressa var. stellata (Hook.f.) Hook.f., Handb. New Zealand Fl. 12 (1864)
Leaf lamina surface and margin and petiole sparsely to moderately hairy; hairs appressed to spreading, up to 0.9 mm long. Sepals sparsely to moderately hairy on abaxial surface; hairs spreading to patent, up to 0.8 mm long.
Cardamine depressa subsp. stellata occurs on coastal cliffs, rocks at sea level, ridges, open peat, rock crevices and ledges, among rock debris, damp cliffs, and among scrub.
Cardamine depressa subsp. stellata is assessed as having a conservation status of At Risk Naturally Uncommon, with the qualifiers Data Poor, Island Endemic and One Location (de Lange et al. 2018). The qualifier Data Poor is applied as there is no information on the number and size of the populations.
The putative hybrid C. depressa subsp. stellata × C. subcarnosa has been recorded (CHR 311526, Meurk & Given s.n.).
Flowering November–March; Fruiting December–February.