- Amblystegiaceae
- Anomodontaceae
- Archidiaceae
- Aulacomniaceae
- Brachytheciaceae
- Bruchiaceae
- Bryaceae
- Buxbaumiaceae
- Calymperaceae
- Climaciaceae
- Cyrtopodaceae
- Daltoniaceae
- Dicranaceae
- Encalyptaceae
- Entodontaceae
- Ephemeraceae
- Erpodiaceae
- Fabroniaceae
- Fissidentaceae
- Funariaceae
- Gigaspermaceae
- Hedwigiaceae
- Hylocomiaceae
- Leptodontaceae
- Lepyrodontaceae
- Leskeaceae
- Leucobryaceae
- Meesiaceae
- Mielichhoferiaceae
- Mitteniaceae
- Mniaceae
- Orthodontiaceae
- Orthorrhynchiaceae
- Orthotrichaceae
- Pilotrichaceae
- Plagiotheciaceae
- Pleurophascaceae
- Pottiaceae
- Ptychomitriaceae
- Ptychomniaceae
- Pulchrinodaceae
- Rhabdoweisiaceae
- Rhacocarpaceae
- Rhizogoniaceae
- Saulomataceae
- Seligeriaceae
- Sematophyllaceae
- Splachnaceae
- Tetraphidaceae
- Timmiaceae
Subordinate Taxa
Indigenous (Non-endemic)
Category | Number |
Indigenous (Endemic) | 56 |
Indigenous (Non-endemic) | 1 |
Indigenous (Non-endemic) | 228 |
Exotic: Fully Naturalised | 31 |
Total | 316 |
Fife, A.J.; Beever J.E. 2022: Introduction. In: Heenan, P.B. (ed.) Flora of New Zealand — Mosses. Fascicle I. Manaaki Whenua Press, Lincoln.
Goffinet, B.; Buck, W.R.; Shaw, A.J. 2009: Morphology, anatomy, and classification of the Bryophyta. In: Goffinet, B.; Shaw, A.J. (ed.) Bryophyte Biology. Edition 2. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 55–138.
Söderström, L.; Hagborg, A.; von Konrat, M.; Bartholomew-Began, S.; Bell, D.; Briscoe, L.; Brown, E.; Cargill, D.C.; Costa, D.P.; Crandall-Stotler, B.J.; Cooper, E.D.; Dauphin, G.; Engel, J.J.; Feldberg, K.; Glenny, D.; Gradstein, S.R.; He, X.; Heinrichs, J.; Hentschel, J.; Ilkiu-Borges, A.L.; Katagiri, T.; Konstantinova, N.A.; Larraín, J.; Long, D.G.; Nebel, M.; Pócs, T.; Puche, F.; Reiner-Drehwald, E.; Renner, M.A.M.; Sass-Gyarmati, A.; Schäfer-Verwimp, A.; Segarra Moragues, J.G.; Stotler, R.E.; Sukkharak, P.; Thiers, B.M.; Uribe, J.; Váňa, J.; Villarreal, J.C.; Wigginton, M.; Zhang, L.; Zhu, R.-L. 2016: World Checklist of Hornworts and Liverworts. PhytoKeys 59(1): 1–414.
Vitt, D.H. 1984: Classification of the Bryospida. In: Schuster, R.M. New Manual of Bryology. Hattori Botanical Laboratory, Nichinan. 696–759.