Scientific Name:
Astelia linearis Hook.f., Bot. Antarct. Voy. I. (Fl. Antarct.) Part I, 76 (1844)

Low-growing herb, us. in extensive patches. Stem 1–2 mm. diam., sts long, rather sparsely branched but twigs closely crowded. Lvs (1)–5–10–(22) cm. × 1.5–6 mm., ± erect; sheath membr., clad abaxially only in narrow scales to 12 mm. long; lamina covered adaxially with a clear, detachable pellicle, margin, keel and sharply pointed tip with ± shaggy scales, one costa on each side evident. Infl. erect; peduncle 1–2 cm. long, panicle little longer, sts reduced to a single fl.; lowest spathe to 2.5 cm. long, ± foliaceous, subtending 1–3–(5) fls, other spathes, if any, very small and us. 1-fld. Fls covered in parts exposed in bud with brown-centred scales; per. greenish yellow, divided to base; tepals 3–6 mm. long, spreading in ♂, ± erect in ♀. Ovary pale, very narrow ovoid, 1-locular. Fr. 10–15–(20) × 4–8 mm., the pericarp succulent, clear red throughout, enclosed at the base in the somewhat enlarged membr. tepals. Seeds 1–10–(12), to 2 × 1.2 mm., shining, black, rounded; funicle hardened into an acute ± curved beak.

[From: Moore and Edgar (1970) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 2.]

Indigenous (Endemic)
Number of subspecific taxa in New Zealand within Astelia linearis Hook.f.
Indigenous (Endemic)2
Hooker, J.D. 1844–1845: The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage of H.M. Discovery Ships Erebus and Terror in the Years 1839–1843, under the command of Captain Sir James Clark Ross. I. Flora Antarctica. Part I. Botany of Lord Auckland’s Group and Campbell’s Island. Reeve, Brothers, London.