Stock rather stout, multicipital, emitting short stolons or rhizomes with scalelike lvs; plant forming matted patches. Lvs rosulate, at nodes, 1–1∙5 cm. × 1–1∙5 mm., narrow-linear, obtuse, spreading to recurved, coriac. Peduncles up to 1∙5 cm. long in fr., with 1–2 short linear bracts or nude. Capitula up to 5 mm. diam.; phyll. 6–8, c. 2 mm. long, broad-oblong, obtuse, veins often obscure, margins scarious. Florets 6–8, not strongly dimorphic; achenes c. 2 mm. long, fusiform to obovoid, glab., obscurely ribbed to smooth.
[From: Allan (1961) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 1.]