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Herb with far-creeping stems and branches, rooting at nodes (sts subterranean), yellowish, forming matted patches up to 5 dm. or more diam.; final branchlets sts ascending. Lvs on slender flattened petioles up to c. 4 cm. long, solitary or up to 4 in a fascicle; lamina somewhat fleshy, glossy, of 3 main forms (sts on same plant)--(a) narrowly spathulate, (b) obovate-spathulate, (c) linear to linear-spathulate; (3)–7–15–30 × 1–5 mm. Infl. of solitary fls on bracted peduncles up to ± 4 cm. long; occ. 2-fld, on pedicels ± 2 cm. long; bracts minute, subulate-attenuate. Fls obliquely 7–10 mm. diam. Calyx persistent, with linear to narrow-triangular erect lobes 1–2 mm. long; corolla white to very pale blue, lobes narrow-oblong, acute to acuminate. Fr. obovoid to ovoid, truncate, (3·5)–6–10 mm. long. Seeds compressed, narrowly winged.
[From: Allan (1961) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 1.]
Fruiting: Nov.–Apr.