Scientific Name:
Rhaphiolepis Lindl., Bot. Reg. 6: 468 (1820), nom. cons. – as Raphiolepis

Evergreen shrubs or small trees, not armed, with a ± widespreading habit, often becoming nearly glabrous. Lvs alternate, mostly towards branchlet tips, simple, serrate or entire, coriaceous; stipules small, ± deciduous. Fls in terminal racemes, corymbs or panicles, often somewhat showy, 5-merous, ☿, shortly pedicellate, medium-sized; pedicels and infl. branches sometimes downy. Hypanthium tubular, closed at apex. Epicalyx 0. Calyx tube adnate to ovary at base, lobed above with sepals deciduous at fruiting. Petals ± spreading, ± ciliate, white to reddish. Stamens 15–20, inserted in mouth of calyx tube. Ovary inferior; carpels 2; styles 2, elongated and fused at base; ovules 2 in each locule. Fr. a pome, subglobose, small, often bluish or purplish black, 1–2-locular; carpel walls leathery; seeds 1-few, rather large.

[From: Webb et al. (1988) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 4.]

Number of species and named hybrids in New Zealand within Rhaphiolepis Lindl.
Exotic: Fully Naturalised2
Exotic: Casual2
1820: Botanical Register; Consisting of Coloured Figures of Exotic Plants Cultivated in British Gardens; accompanied by their History, best Method of Treatment in Cultivation, Propagation. London 6
Liu, B-B.; Wang, Y-B.; Hong, D-Y.; Wen, J. 2020: A synopsis of the expanded Rhaphiolepis (Maleae, Rosaceae). PhytoKeys 154: 19–55.
Mabberley, D.J. 2008: Mabberley's plant book, a portable dictionary of plants, their classification and uses. Edition 3. Cambridge University Press.