Scientific Name:
Populus yunnanensis Dode, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Autun 18: 221 (1905)
Vernacular Name(s):
chinese poplar; yunnan poplar

Large, widespreading tree, suckering moderately. Bark grey, fissured. Shoots ± angled when young, almost winged in strong vegetative shoots, reddish purple to yellowish brown. Buds very viscid, glabrous. Young shoots strongly viscid and balsam-scented. Petiole to c. 10 cm long, nearly terete, glabrous. Lamina to 18 × 13.5 cm, broad-ovate, glabrous except for minutely ciliolate margin, greenish white below, glossy green above, reddish brown when unfolding; midrib and veins pink above; margin crenate-serrulate, without translucent band; base subcordate to cordate, glandless; apex acuminate. Catkins ♂, pendulous, to 16 cm long. Bracts 2–4 mm long excluding long filiform teeth, glabrous, whitish. Rachis glabrous. Cup-shaped disc 1–3 mm deep, oblique, glabrous. Stamens 15–45; anthers crimson towards apex.

[From: Webb et al. (1988) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 4.]


Flowering: Sep.– Oct.

Dode, L.-A.: Extraits d'une monographie inédite de genre Populus. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle d'Autun 18: 161–232.
Edwards, R. 2008: Lincoln University campus – a guide to some of the trees currently growing there. Lincoln University, Lincoln.