Scientific Name:
Pittosporum roimata Gemmill & S.N.Carter in Carter et al., Syst. Bot. 43: 636-641 (2018)
TYPE: NEW ZEALAND, North Island, Poor Knights Islands, Tawhiti Rahi. Beneath pohutakawa forest on summit plateau. Terrestrial, flowers yellow. 9 Sept. 1980 A. E. Wright 3951 (holotype: AK 155344).
Indigenous (Endemic)
Carter, S.N.; Miller, S.; Meyer, S.J.; Gemmill, C.E.C. 2018: A new species of Pittosporum described from the Poor Knights Islands, Northland, Aotearoa/New Zealand. Systematic Botany 43(2): 633–643.
James, C.J.; de Lange, P.J. 2024: A taxonomic re-evaluation of Pittosporum roimata Gemmill & S.N. Carter (Pittosporaceae, Apiales). Ukrainian Botanical Journal 81(5): 307–321.