Scientific Name:
Fallopia aubertii (L.Henry) Holub
Vernacular Name(s):
Russian vine

Vigorous, perennial, ± woody climber, often forming dense masses of twining leafy branches, glabrous except for infl. axes. Petiole slender, 1–3 cm long. Lamina 1.5–5.5 × 1–3.5 cm, usually ovate-sagittate, entire; base truncate to broadly cordate; apex acute to cuspidate; lvs on flowering shoots often ovate or narrow-ovate. Ochreae c. 5 mm long, obliquely truncate but soon deeply split. Panicles large and diffuse, terminal, often in dense, ± pendulous masses, with numerous fragrant, white fls. Peduncles ribbed, minutely puberulous on ridges. Bracts < pedicels, membranous except for narrow greenish keel. Pedicels 3–6 mm long, with collar-like joint in lower part, winged above. Perianth 2–5 mm long at anthesis, accrescent; inner segments appearing obovate because of attenuate base; outer segments oblong-ovate, with a greenish keel. Stamens enclosed in the shorter inner perianth segments; filaments hairy. Fruiting perianth broadly winged, white or slightly pinkish. Nut c. 4 mm long, glossy black, finely granular, strongly, obtusely 3-angled.

[From: Webb et al. (1988) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 4.]


Flowering: Oct.–Mar.