Scientific Name:
Crassula kirkii (Allan) A.P.Druce & Given in Connor & Edgar, New Zealand J. Bot. 25: 128 (1987)
  • Tillaea kirkii Allan, Fl. New Zealand 1, 199 (1961)

Small, very slender, perennial herb forming small to large and extensive, loose mats; stems decumbent, creeping, rooting at nodes, ascending to c. 2 cm high, much-branched. Lvs connate at base, 1.5–5.5 × 0.8–1.7 mm, 0.4–0.7 mm thick, linear-elliptic, narrowly oblong-elliptic, elliptic or obovate-elliptic, flattened above, convex beneath; apex obtuse, subacute, or ± apiculate. Fls solitary in lf axils, star-like, 4-merous, 2.8–3 mm diam.; pedicels usually 0.5–0.8 mm long, elongating little at fruiting. Calyx lobes 0.6–0.9 × c. 0.5 mm, triangular-ovate, obtuse to acute. Petals 1.4–2 × 0.8–1 mm, broadly ovate or elliptic-ovate, white, sometimes greenish or pinkish tipped, subacute, much > calyx. Scales c. 0.6 mm long, linear-spathulate. Follicles smooth. Seed 0.5–0.7 mm long.

[From: Webb et al. (1988) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 4.]

Indigenous (Endemic)

Flowering: Oct.–Jan.

Connor, H.E.; Edgar, E. 1987: Name changes in the indigenous New Zealand flora, 1960–1986 and Nomina Nova IV, 1983–1986. New Zealand Journal of Botany 25: 115–170.
de Lange, P.J.; Norton, D.A.; Courtney, S.P.; Heenan, P.B.; Barkla, J.W.; Cameron, E.K.; Hitchmough, R.; Townsend, A.J. 2009: Threatened and uncommon plants of New Zealand (2008 revision). New Zealand Journal of Botany 47: 61–96. [Naturally uncommon]
de Lange, P.J.; Norton, D.A.; Heenan, P.B.; Courtney, S.P.; Molloy, B.P.J.; Ogle, C.C.; Rance, B.D. 2004: Threatened and uncommon plants of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 42(1): 45–76.
de Lange, P.J.; Rolfe, J.R.; Barkla J.W.; Courtney, S.P.; Champion, P.D.; Perrie, L.R.; Beadel, S.N.; Ford, K.A.; Breitwieser, I.; Schönberger, I.; Hindmarsh-Walls, R.; Heenan, P.B.; Ladley, K. 2018: Conservation status of New Zealand indigenous vascular plants, 2017. New Zealand Threat Classification Series. No. 22. [Naturally Uncommon]
de Lange, P.J.; Rolfe, J.R.; Champion, P.D.; Courtney, S.P.; Heenan, P.B.; Barkla, J.W.; Cameron, E.K.; Norton, D.A.; Hitchmough, R.A. 2013: Conservation status of New Zealand indigenous vascular plants, 2012. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 3. Department of Conservation, Wellington. [Naturally Uncommon]