Scientific Name:
Craspedia blepharia Breitw. & Courtney, New Zealand J. Bot. 9 (online) (2024)
Holotype. NEW ZEALAND, North-West Nelson, Kahurangi National Park, GaribaldiRidge, I. Breitwieser 2409, R.W. Vogt, S. Courtney, and L. Parks, 7 Feb 2023 (CHR668927)
The species epithet blepharia is derived from Greek, referring to the tri-chomes on the leaf lamina surfaces and margins which look like eyelashes.
Indigenous (Endemic)
Breitwieser, I.; Courtney, S.P. 2024: Craspedia blepharia (Compositae/Asteraceae, Gnaphalieae), anew species from Garibaldi Ridge in Nelson/Tasman, South Island of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany: 1–14 (online). (Published online: 24 October 2024