Scientific Name:
Bromus stamineus E.Desv. (1856)
Vernacular Name(s):
spiky brome
Edgar, E.; Connor, H.E. 2010: Flora of New Zealand Volume V Grasses. Edition 2. Manaaki Whenua Press.
Planchuelo, A.M. 2006: A new combination in the Bromus catharticus complex (Poaceae: Bromeae sect. Ceratochloa). Sida 22(1): 555–560.
Planchuelo, A.M.; Peterson, P.M. 2000: The species of Bromus (Poacaea: Bromeae) in South America. In: Jacobs, W.L.; Everett, J. (ed.) Grasses. CSIRO, Collingwood, Australia. 89–101.