Stock and bases of petioles clad in long brownish hairs. Lvs spreading to erect; lamina 6–11 × 3–6 cm., ovate-oblong to suborbicular, obtuse, cordate at base, membr.; upper and lower surfaces often purplish, glab. to sparsely clad in delicate hairs; petiole 2–15 cm. long, with mingled delicate and glandular hairs. Scapes up to 35 cm. long, us. several times branched, clad in mingled silky and glandular hairs; bracts few, linear. Capitula 2–4 cm. diam.; phyll. glandular-pilose, linear, obtuse; ligules yellow, up to 2 cm. long. Pappus-hairs up to 5 mm. long, barbellate; achenes c. 3 mm. long, linear-oblong, glab.
[From: Allan (1961) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 1 as Senecio southlandicus Cockayne]
Category | Number |
Indigenous (Endemic) | 1 |
Total | 1 |