- = Aciphylla poppelwellii var. major Petrie, Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 53: 370 (1921)
- = Aciphylla poppelwellii Petrie, Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 53: 369 (1921) – as Aciphylla Poppelwelli
Small tufted plant up to c. 25 cm. tall including infl. Lf-sheaths 3–5 cm. × 8–10 mm., thin; stipules lflike, rather rigid, 5–6 cm. × 5 mm., oblong, abruptly narrowed to acicular apex; petioles stiff, flat, coriac., up to 1 cm. long. Pinnae 1 pair, approximate to terminal lflt. 3·5–6·5 cm. × 3–4 mm., rigid, margins finely crenulate-serrulate, abruptly narrowed to pungent apex. Stems of male plants 2–3 dm. long including dense to open infl. ± 8–15 cm. long. Bract-sheaths up to c. 15 mm. long; stipules very narrow, spreading, pungent, c. 1 cm. long; lamina up to 2 cm. long. Umbels ± 10 mm. diam., on very slender rays; umbellules very small, on filiform rays. Stems of female plants grooved, up to 3 dm. long including dense infl up to c. 15 cm. long. Bract-sheaths c. 10 × 5 mm., submembr.; stipules up to 2 cm. long; lamina ± 3 cm. long. Umbels ± enclosed in sheaths, on short rays; umbellules small, close-set, on very short rays. Fr. ± 4 mm. long; mericarps 3–5-winged.
[From: Allan (1961) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 1.]